Wanna Taste? - Season 1 : Episode 49


  • Drama
  • Family

Hae-Jin is 36-years-old. She is married to Jin-Sang, who is 6 years younger than her, and they have a daughter Yoo-Ri. Hae-Jin runs a restaurant that she took over from her father-in-law. She supported her husband Jin-Sang while he studied to enter a university. Because of Hae-Jin, Jin-Sang is now attending a prestigious university, but he has an affair with Joo-Ri. She is the young daughter of a rich family. Hae-Jin becomes aware of her husband's affair, but she doesn't want a divorce. Meanwhile, Dae-Gu appears in front Hae-Jin. Dae-Gu is a drama series writer. He was once in demand for his screenwriting, but his popularity has waned. His marriage life is not doing well either.

Season 1 Episodes


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