gen:LOCK - Season 2 : Episode 1


  • Animation
  • Action & Adventure
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

In season 2, a war leaves behind only a handful of highly skilled soldiers fighting for the future of humanity as a deteriorating Earth, due to an unstoppable climate collapse, has two distinct visions for the future of the human race: The Polity and the Union. The Polity and the Union remained locked in a brutal and unforgiving war, when, after sustaining devastating injuries, pilot Julian Chase returns from the dead in the form of a Holon warrior, one of a select few whose mind is compatible with the mech-suit GEN:LOCK program. As Dr. Weller works to crack the gen:LOCK code, it’s up to a team of intrepid Polity fighters to fend off the authoritarian Union.

Season 2 Episodes


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