Robot Chicken - Season 2 : Episode 19


  • Comedy
  • Animation

The second season of Robot Chicken includes many TV, movie, TV commercial, and pop culture parodies, and non-sequitur blackouts, all acted out by dolls and action figures, including parodies such as, Mexico builds its greatest hero in "The Six Million Peso Man", A time-traveler wreaks havoc on history in "Dicks With Time Machines", Fred and Barney brawl over a box of Fruity Pebbles, Lindsay Lohan enters the world of Highlander and battles (and decapitates) teen starlet foes, such as Amanda Bynes and Hilary Duff, A cleaning woman finds the Batcave the hard way, popular board games from Chutes and Ladders to Hungry Hungry Hippos get turned into action-packed feature films, A checkers champion goes on the adventure of a lifetime, the Senior Mutant Ninja Turtles rock the nursing home, Monkeys explore outer space on a budget, Care Bears care a lot...about ethnic cleansing, the Fantanas visit the Middle East peace Process, the legendary Krakken sea monster learns freedom isn't all it's "krak-ed" up to be, Young Indiana Jones finds treasure in his elementary school, the classic movie The Beastmaster takes Broadway by storm, the Library of Heaven yields answers even God doesn't want you to know, Orlando Bloom must help his fellow passengers survive after a plane crash, Snow Job finds his specialized skills aren't in high demand with G.I. Joe, Mario and Luigi stumble into the violent world of "Grand Theft Auto", Stretch Armstrong needs a corn syrup transplant and the cast of Sesame Street deals with a viral outbreak when Big Bird catches the bird flu

Season 2 Episodes


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