Desafio - Season 18 : Episode 1

  • Reality

The competition brought together 44 participants from different areas of the country, who were divided according to their region of origin, forming the teams of Amazónico, Antioqueños, Boyacenses, Cachacos, Cafeteros, Costeños, Llaneros, Pastusos, Santandereanos, Tolima Grande and Vallecaucanos . During the first day, 8 of them were eliminated, to make way for the formation of three new groups: Alpha, Beta and Gamma; each one made up, initially, of 6 men and 6 women. However, the number of challenges within the teams was reduced to only 8, so those eliminated by the captains' decision had to face an individual test that ended up defining the contestants who would be part of the resurgent Omega team.

Season 18 Episodes


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