Ganbare!! Robocon - Season 1 : Episode 108


  • Comedy
  • Sci-Fi & Fantasy

Ganbare!! Robocon (がんばれ!!ロボコン, Ganbare!! Robokon, Do Your Best!! Robocon) is a Japanese tokusatsu comedy family robot television series created by Shotaro Ishinomori and produced by Toei. It ran from October 4, 1974, to March 25, 1977, on NET TV. Moero!! Robocon (燃えろ!!ロボコン, Moero!! Robokon, Burn!! Robocon) ran from January 31, 1999 (a week after the finale of Tetsuwan Tantei Robotack) to January 23, 2000 (a week before the premiere of Kamen Rider Kuuga). The story follows Robocon, a student of Gantz' Robot Academy who lives amongst humans and aids them as part of his studies. Though Robocon is a screw up, he makes efforts to establish a good image for robots in the eyes of humans they cross paths with. On December 10, 1999, Toei released the direct to video movie Moero!! Robocon vs. Ganbare!! Robocon (燃えろ!!ロボコンVSがんばれ!!ロボコン, Moero!! Robokon tai Ganbare!! Robokon) where the Robocon of the 90s meets the original Robocon from the 70s.

Season 1 Episodes


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