Kara Shanyrak - Season 1 : Episode 1


  • Drama

In the center of the plot of the painting "Kara Shakyrak" is the fate of three brothers, each of whom chose his own life path. Senior Alisher - became a successful top manager, businessman. But his personal life cannot get on track in any way, which brings him a lot of problems. Daulet is the middle brother, a former athlete, now works as a coach. Meeting with a young singer Linda makes him look at life in a different way and understand that you can't stop there, you always need to move forward. Well, Madi's youngest brother, staying with his parents, became the manager of his father's farm. He passionately wants to free himself from the full control of his father and become the rightful master of his life. Each of them has their own families, respectively, and problems to be solved over the course of a hundred episodes.

Season 1 Episodes


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