Johnny Test - Season 5 : Episode 18


  • Animation
  • Comedy
  • Kids

Johnny Test is a Canadian/American animated television series. It premiered on Kids' WB, on The WB Television Network, on September 17, 2005. The series currently airs in the United States on Cartoon Network, as of January 7, 2008, and in Canada on Teletoon, as of October 28, 2006. The show was produced by Cookie Jar Entertainment for its second and later seasons. The series is rated TV-Y7 for the first four seasons, and TV-Y7-FV for the fifth. On August 24, 2010, it was announced that Johnny Test was renewed for a fifth season. The renewal brought up the series total to 91 episodes. Johnny Test started its fifth season on June 13, 2011, in the US. This was the first season to premiere on Cartoon Network first. This is also the first season for Trevor Devall as the new voice of Dukey, and Brittney Wilson, who departed from the show after season 1, to return to play Mary Test, Sissy Blakely, and Missy. In August 2012, Netflix released the fifth season of Johnny Test as part of its Cartoon Network series releases.

Season 5 Episodes


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