Little Witch Chappy - Season 1 : Episode 34


  • Animation

Mahou Tsukai Chappy or Little Witch Chappy is an anime series that debuted in Asahi Broadcasting Corporation in 1972. It is the fifth magical girl anime in history, and the fifth produced by the Toei Animation studio. While the show was fairly popular, it was not as popular as Toei's earlier magical-girl series, and is relatively obscure compared to its predecessors. In addition to its success in Japan, Chappy has been dubbed into Italian, French, and Spanish and broadcast on TV in Italy and in various Latin American nations such as Mexico, Peru, or Chile. A manga adaptation of the story was drawn by Hideo Azuma, who later became more famous for his manga-turned-anime works, Little Pollon and Nanako SOS. Chappy, along with other Toei magical girls such as Akko-chan, Sally, Cutie Honey, Megu-chan, Lunlun, and Lalabel, is a playable character in the Sony PlayStation game Majokko Daisakusen: Little Witching Mischiefs. The series was released on DVD in Japan in a box set in December 2005.

Season 1 Episodes


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