Viewtiful Joe - Season 1 : Episode 18


  • Animation
  • Comedy
  • Action & Adventure

Viewtiful Joe is a Japanese anime series based on the video game series of the same name. Movie Land is a world where movie characters were real. There was en evil syndicate, Jado, they altered the movie contents at their own will, and they tried to rule the people in the real world by showing the modified movie to them. One day, Joe went to the theatre with his lover Silvia to watch a hero movie, Captain Blue. However, the movie ended with a tragedy no one expected. Captain Blue was helplessly beaten by the evil syndicate Jado. Then, the leader of Jado declared that they would conquer the real world, and they took Silvia into the screen. To take her back, Joe turns into a super hero to battle against them. In the world of "Movie Land", now begins the beautiful battle of Viewtiful Joe.

Season 1 Episodes


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