Let's Make a Deal - Season 9 : Episode 2


  • Reality

The show launches its ninth season with a sleek, remodeled set and “Premiere Week Prize-a-Palooza,” offering Traders the opportunity to compete for more than $1.1 million in cash and prizes. Adding to the excitement, for the first time at the beginning of each show, host Wayne Brady will reveal a sneak peek at some of the biggest prizes being offered that day, from luxury cars to a trio of trips around the world. Let's Make a Deal keeps the party going throughout the entire season with special themed episodes, including a “Wayne’s Favorite Folks” week, filling the audience with special groups Wayne has chosen to honor, from teachers to grandparents; a Prom episode with a theme selected by fans through social media; and a salute to the game show’s landmark 1,500th episode.

Season 9 Episodes


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